Diary of a Small Asian Medical Student

My little blog about not-very-important things.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Strange Dream This Morning

I had the strangest dream this morning. I dreamt that I was coming home in a standard issue baju kurung - to this huge mansion of a house. That would have been great and all, me being the materialistic bastard I am, but no, the house had to be crazy spooky. First off, the exterior was painted entirely in shades of black and gray. There was an old tree overlooking a creaky old swing set in the garden area. There was absolutely no grass. Just suspicious looking dried spiky things sticking out from the ground.

I had this awful sense of deja vu as I looked around the courtyard (!!) . The baju kurung'ed schoolgirl I was playing in my dream seemed to be oblivious to my escalating sense of dread.

And the swing set swinging itself with the lack of wind was totally freaking me out.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I struggled to wake up before the mother opened the door to let her daughter inside the creepy house. Who knows what horrors lay within? I kicked and screamed and punched and swore. When my eyes finally forced open, I noted that the bedsheets were barely ruffled. Strange.

Damn sleep phenomena.

I came down for breakfast at 8:00am. Earliest I've woken up this month.


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