Diary of a Small Asian Medical Student

My little blog about not-very-important things.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Too tired to blog... (or, it's Sunday already?)

Trying out this newfangled email blogging system**. I hope my dear readers do not mind the fact that my thoughts have become medical student-ised. (Check out my serious dot-points.)
1. Flight was uneventful other than the fact that I didn't sleep a wink and therefore have been sleeping in the day these few days which translates to serious jet lag. On the food side of things, I had tangy squid rings and sweet'n'sour fish for dinner.

Late Morning 2/2/05
2. Arrived a little later than the expected time. Baggage was NOT torn like the last time, which is good. Was surprisingly cold outside. Then, of course, the freak storms came. My boyfriend* thinks I brought them on. He must think I am some sort of dark mysterious lady who summons rain (and hail) and thunder where-ever I go. Or maybe he just suspects that I keep a giant rain charm in my (really heavy) backpack.

Afternoon 2/2/05
2. Ride home was uneventful. The arrival HOME however...! I was cheerfully greeted by a stuffed-full mailbox - filled with expired cookiesample deals, expired discounts or promotions, and BILLS. *grumble*

3. Shocked to learn that the landlord is planning to increase the rent. (nooo!)

4. Slept. Woke up at around 7pm. Had Maggi Mee for dinner thanks to the FREAK STORMS freaking me out. Nice weather to sleep in though... or so I thought. o_O

3/2/05 *tic toc tic toc*
5. Major jet lag... could not sleep the whole night and thereforespent time unpacking and cleaning the apartment. Also, bedsheets were so dusty... keeping the windows closed helped but the problem is that I left the apartment in a mess anyway. Which is UNACCEPTABLE in the world of Australian medical students from Malaysia***.


** Email Blogging did not work so I am reposting this on the 6th February. On a lonely insomniac morning.

* Spent the following 3/2 - 6/2 going to and fro between my apartment and my boyfriends' (40 minutes away, 1.5 h two-way trip) because (i) we have not seen each other for 2 months, (ii) we will not see each other again for the next 6 weeks, (iii) I have 101 intangible things to do in the apartment, like, dusting the last piece of dust from the floor and helping my housemate fix the lightbulb and I feel bad leaving her all alone to satisfy her criteria of apartment cleanliness of CNY just because I am sloppier than her (note: I am already the most fussy clean in my family).

***It seems all the medical students I hang out with in Australia have a thing for tidiness... and washing hands... and antibacterial products. OCD or too much graphic Microbiology? My mind goes into Malaysian mode when I balik kampung so I amazingly transform into a pig (hey the maids clean the house anyway) everytime I go back to KL. THe metamorphosis from pig to lady though, takes a bit more time. Which is why I like to come back early to Melbourne, but of course, tell people things like this and funny looks you will definitely get.

NOTE: it is almost 6am on a Sunday. No, I did not sleep the whole night, but I slept in the afternoon. Okay, staying awake the whole day today (Sunday). Not gonna sleep. Just yeah, unless I want to die a natural death in the hospital.


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