Diary of a Small Asian Medical Student

My little blog about not-very-important things.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Happy Easter everyone

This is completely shite! The only treatment available for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is Vitamin C! Noooooo!!!! What about my future 10++ postgraduate training years? I'm only 21, I can't be crippled by multiple joint osteoarthritis at this ridiculously young age! Argh! So I am going to end up training in pathology* after all. Dark room, small microscope, bad halitosis. Oh, the horrors.

On the other hand, I've probably got medical studentitis...

Dumb joke.
A young medical student wanted to find the cause of the symptoms of hypochondria so he read three medical text books. The first said that two thirds of the patients were worried about their health so anxiety was the cause, and the second text book said that two thirds of the patients were depressed so that depression was the cause, and the third text book said that two thirds of the patients were obsessesed with illness so obsession was the cause. The student then decided to ask his mathematics professor to help him determine the statistical significance of his findings, and the professor said that two thirds plus two thirds plus two thirds was six thirds or two hundred percent which makes all three medical text books 100% wrong.

*Disclaimer: I like pathologists. They are cool.


Monday, March 21, 2005

Dog Story

If I had a dog, this is what it would look like.

It would sleep on a designer bed,

eat gourmet dog food,

and play with expensive toys.

If I had a dog, I would be a very poor medical student.


Friday, March 18, 2005

when its past midnight

When we were in high school, we used to create elaborate theories about the world. For example,

1. The most kiasu* people are those who call others kiasu.
2. The truly rich do not feel a need to flaunt their wealth.
3. The people who complain the most are the least stressed.

When I look back I realise that the world does not exist in black and white.

*kiasu = 'afraid of losing'; antonym = bochap (don't care)
Yikes, they actually did a study and found kiasuism alive and well in Australian undergraduate students. Examples of kiasu behaviour - stowing reference books on different shelves, elbowing one's way in crowded lifts, and studying before semester commences. Click here to read. (heh, quite funny actually)